Volume 7 ~ Issue 1, (2025)

What Training for Teachers to Ensure the Effective Inclusion of Children With Disabilities in the School Environment?
Rachid BIADI
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
This contribution examines the issue of teacher training, focusing in particular on the reality of Moroccan schools. The primary objective of this study is to analyze teachers’ perceptions of inclusive education. A qualitative survey conducted in five public primary schools in Morocco provided insights into the education and inclusion process. This research questions the effectiveness of training specifically dedicated to inclusive education and the mechanisms aimed at strengthening school inclusion. It seeks to evaluate the extent to which this training contributes to genuine inclusion by encouraging teachers to revise their practices and adopt more inclusive pedagogical approaches.

Author Keywords:- training – inclusive education - inclusion – school environnement.

Understanding Risky Riding Behavior Among Motorcyclists in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review
Devianty Safitri, Bambang Suhardi, Eko Pujiyanto
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-Motorcycle safety is a significant concern in Indonesia due to the high incidence of traffic accidents, where motorcycles are the most frequently involved vehicles. This study conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) to identify and analyze research on risky riding behavior among motorcyclists in Indonesia. Using the PRISMA framework, studies published between 2019 and 2024 were selected based on predefined inclusion criteria. The review highlights various factors contributing to risky riding behavior, including external pressures such as daily income targets and passenger demands, insufficient road safety education, and socio-demographic influences. Gender differences also emerge, with men demonstrating a higher tendency for risky behaviors compared to women, often shaped by social and cultural norms. The findings underscore the need for evidencebased interventions, including safety-oriented incentive policies, integration of road safety education into formal curricula, and stricter traffic law enforcement supported by technology. Furthermore, future research is recommended to address structural issues, particularly regarding the legitimacy of driver’s licenses in Indonesia. An integrated approach combining education, enforcement, and cultural interventions is essential to promote safer riding behavior and reduce traffic accidents in the country.

Author Keywords:- Risky riding behavior, Motorcycle safety, Systematic literature review, Road safety education, Driver’s license legitimacy

Harnessing Kahoot! For Digital Physics Assessments: Enhancing Engagement and Learning Outcomes in Prospective Teacher Education
Nurlina, Dewi Hikmah Marisda, Ratna Prabawati, Sirojuddin
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-Lectures at the tertiary level utilize developments in technology and information through learning, one of which is assessment. Digital-based assessment in basic physics lectures is an important step towards modernizing education that provides ease and efficiency of use. This research is collaborative research at Muhammadiyah University in Indonesia, which uses a type of development research that refers to the Thiagarajan 4D development model, which consists of define, design, development, and dissemination stages. Research dissemination was carried out at two Muhammadiyah Universities in Eastern Indonesia, with the design of providing a pretest and posttest for the two research subjects. The application used is Kahoot. The format of the questions given is multiple choice and true-false, with a total of 60 numbers. The validation used is an expert validation method using the Content Validity Index (CVI), with a validation value of 0.85 and is declared valid. The instrument effectiveness test produced an N-Gain value for Campus A of 0.46 (medium) and Campus B of 0.55 (medium). Researchers recommend further development of Kahoot-based digital assessments to better suit student needs. In addition, additional research should be developed by paying attention to developing students' critical thinking and collaboration skills.

Author Keywords:-Basic Physics, Digital Assessment, Kahoot, Research and Development

I Gede Bagus Trilasmana1, M. Fadli, Anthon Efani2, Desi Dwi Prianti
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-The importance of increasing the human resource capabilities of research institutions to support the independence of the defense industry. This research aims to formulate the efforts needed to develop human resources in mastering defense equipment technology, so that Indonesia is expected to be able to anticipate the possibility of war in the future. The research method used is descriptive qualitative through primary data, interviews and field observations. The research results state that the most important asset a research institution has is Human Resources. On that basis, quality Human Resources policies and strategies are based on the suitability of the vision and mission in order to overcome threats as well as the aim of improving the quality of Human Resources. Thus, existing policies must be supported by a strong foundation. For this reason, comprehensive efforts are needed to improve the quality of Human Resources in developing the defense industry. In particular, within the framework of supporting the empowerment and independence of the defense industry so that it has competitiveness and plays an important role in international relations. The emerging roles, functions and tasks of human resources at research institutions are in line with other components, elements and support that have not yet been organized and arranged. In particular, the concentration of Human Resources in the defense industry sector is a very important, strategic and serious concern in the context of moving towards a strong and independent defense industry.

Author Keywords:- Optimization, Human Resources, Defense Industry, Research institutions.

Exploring Traffic Safety Factors: A Comprehensive Review of Driver Accident Mitigation
Annisa Syahliantina, Bambang Suhardi, Ratna Sari Dewi
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-Traffic accidents remain a significant global concern, causing substantial fatalities, injuries, and economic losses. Despite progress in vehicle technology, road infrastructure, and regulations, accidents involving drivers continue to rise in many regions. This study employs a systematic literature review (SLR) and bibliometric analysis to explore the factors contributing to traffic accidents and propose effective mitigation strategies. Key findings reveal that driver distractions, fatigue, aggressive driving, environmental conditions, and vehicle technology significantly influence accident risks. Technological interventions, such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and pre-crash systems, play a crucial role in reducing human error. Behavioral strategies, including defensive driving programs and real-time feedback systems, are essential for promoting safer driving practices. Moreover, interactions with vulnerable road users (VRUs) and adaptive measures tailored to environmental conditions further enhance safety. The study highlights fragmented research efforts and underscores the need for a multidisciplinary, integrated approach combining behavioral science, engineering, technology, and policy reforms. By addressing these gaps, this research provides evidence-based strategies to mitigate risks and improve traffic safety. The findings emphasize the importance of holistic interventions to reduce accidents and create sustainable solutions for global road safety challenges.

Author Keywords:-Accident mitigation, Driver accident, Systematic review, Traffic safety

Artificial Intelligence and E-Service Quality Enhance E-Commerce Customer Satisfaction Among Gen Z
Siti Maemunah, Yuliantini, Cut Diva Permatasari Marzuki, Dimas Prayoga
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-Research on the quality of e-commerce services and artificial intelligence (AI) on Gen Z customer satisfaction. The research involved 150 Generation Z respondents living in Indonesia who used Shopee e-commerce services. Data was collected through an online questionnaire using Google Form and analyzed using quantitative descriptive, correlational and multiple regression methods using SPSS. The results show that the use of AI increases Gen Z customer satisfaction, especially regarding advertising posting schedules that can be interacted with and communicate easily to meet customer expectations and desires as well as satisfaction. E-Service Quality plays a role in increasing satisfaction through disseminating clear information, solving problems, protecting data, as well as responding to complaints and product safety. This research contributes to the development of e-commerce service strategies at Shopee. Theoretical contribution by enriching literature related to AI and E-Service Quality on customer satisfaction in e-commerce for Gen-Z.

Author Keywords:- artificial intelligence, e-service quality, Gen-Z, shopee, customer satisfaction, e-commerce.

The Reform of “Moudawana” : Political Issues and Tensions
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-Ce travail examine les tensions politiques entourant le Code de la famille, tensions latentes depuis sa création et ravivées par les réformes actuelles, qui placent cet enjeu sociétal au cœur d'une lutte politique majeure. La présente étude se propose d'analyser les positions des différents partis politiques sur la question. Les sujets traités englobent le mariage, le divorce, la question de la tutelle des enfants, les règles d'héritage, la polygamie, les questions de filiation, les mariages interreligieux, sans oublier l'article 400 du Code de la famille. Leurs opinions divergent entre une approche ouverte et une position extrémiste qui manifeste une inadéquation avec les normes internationales et les principes constitutionnels d'égalité, compliquant ainsi la conclusion d'un compromis.

Author Keywords:-Modawana, Partis politique, enjeux, discrimination, genre, religions, ouverture, extrémisme.

The Influence of Physical Work Environment on Work Stress in Educational Staff of the Faculty of Engineering, UNS Surakarta
Almira Husnun Nurhana Yasmono, Bambang Suhardi, Pringgo Widyo Laksono
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-In office ergonomics, work environment is one of the factors that need to be considered carefully. Physical work environment is one of the importance dimensions in an office. Office workers need a decent physical work environment so they can feel comfortable and safe when working. The physical work environment can influence the psychological condition of office workers which is closely related to work stress that will affect their performance. The aim of this research is to find the influence of physical work environment variables on office worker work stress. The data consisted of 46 samples collected from distributing questionnaires to educational staff who are office workers at the Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas Maret University (UNS), Surakarta. The data was processed using multiple linear regression in SPSS software and the results showed that 3 variables in the form of room color, work chairs and work area design had a significant effect on office workers work stress.

Author Keywords:-Physical Work Environment, Work Stress, Multiple Linear Regression.

Efficient Work Performance of Employees in Small and Medium Sized Ptt. Gas Station Establishments in The Bangkok Area
Dr.Parkorn Chobhan, Dr.Teerasak Sukaboon, Dr.Prakasit Boonyarat, Anuphan champa
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-The purpose of this research is to study the level of training within the organization that pays according to competency. Quality of life at work Internal knowledge training Employee participation confidence and highly efficient operations Including the study of a model for highly efficient operations in PTT gas station establishments in the Bangkok area. Conducted quantitative and qualitative research by quantitative research The sample group used in the research was 300 operational level employees. The research tools were questionnaires with a scale of approximately 5 levels. Statistics used in data analysis included 1) descriptive statistics. Consists of mean, standard deviation. and coefficient of variation 2) Inferential statistics are used to analyze structural equation models. and second order factor reduction using factor analysis. As for the qualitative research, interviews will be conducted with 15 entrepreneurs. The results show that compensation according to ability Quality of life at work and internal knowledge training It has a combined influence on high performance operations. It is at a similar level, namely 0.352, 0.381 and 0.332 factors separating confidence. has a higher influence than employee participation Therefore, if a business establishment has management promote training Provide new knowledge to employees Innovation is introduced and technology are used to innovate in designing work characteristics. and compensation that is appropriate to work skills It will promote a higher level of efficient performance.

Author Keywords:-Competence based compensation, Quality of life, In-House knowledge training

Understanding the Theories of Nigerian Politics and Government: A Critique
Donald Igbinosa Eboigbe
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-Like many contemporary African states, Nigeria is the design of European imperialism. Flora Shaw, a British journalist, who later became the wife of colonial governor Frederick Lugard suggested its very name – after the great Niger River, the country's dominating physical feature – in the 1890s. Nigeria’s colonial history showed a measured effort on the part of the imperialists to fashion contentious tendencies in the nation. The recent history of Nigeria as a political state encompassing 350 to 500 ethnic groups of extensively diverse cultures and types of political organization, started from the completion of the British subjugation in 1903 and the amalgamation of northern and southern Nigeria into the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria in 1914. This revelation highlights the measured colonisation of the colonial masters from the assault of Lagos in 1852 to the amalgamation. Prior to the emergence of the name 'Nigeria', the British had taken control of Lagos and the southern coast through the Royal Niger Company which had jurisdiction of the area around the river which was commonly denoted to as the 'Royal Niger Company Territories. The territory that was to become Nigeria was made up of varied civilizations before the British. A shared belief is that history presents the famous past of a country which is awash with extraordinary events and incidents that provide the nation its own socio-political along with economic character, offering a remarkable indication of its glorious past. Nigeria’s history in this light, signifies the remarkable events that altered and redefined the several phases of her political history. Meanwhile, this paper examined various theories attempting to explain the factors and forces driving Nigerian politics and its governments using archival cum analytical methods. The conclusion of this paper is that, each of the theoretical perspectives identified offers some degree of insight into the general patterns and dynamics of Nigeria’s political history; but none could be sufficient or exhaustive in relating the realities of her politics and government from independence in 1960 till date.

Author Keywords:-Colonialism, Corruption, Government, Military, Theory, Politics

Evaluation Supply Chain Efficiency and Effectiveness in Cement Freight: A Case Study of Indonesian Railways
Musthafa Iqbal Aziz, Eko Pujiyanto, Muhammad Hisjam
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-Indonesian Railways, Ltd. Co. faces the challenges of an increasingly competitive freight transportation business to achieve customer satisfaction. The relatively easier and cheaper transportation options are a challenge for Indonesian railway facilities. The increasing demand for freight transportation such as cement corporate goods must be balanced with improved supply chain management so that maximum efficiency and effectiveness can be achieved. Indonesian Railways can be evaluated for their effectiveness and efficiency as a means of transporting cement corporate goods. This study aims to determine the efficiency of transportation service operation services of Indonesian Railways, Ltd. Co. Cilacap – Yogyakarta operating area and the effectiveness of services for recipients (distributors) of Dynamix brand cement in Yogyakarta, as well as knowing the influence of the efficiency of Indonesian Railways, Ltd. Co. on the effectiveness of services for recipients or distributors of Dynamix brand cement in Yogyakarta. The analysis of this study uses the Structural equation modelling (SEM) method. The results of the analysis showed that the efficiency of transporting goods had a positive effect on the effectiveness of services to distributors by 0.794. The hypothesis is accepted because it has a p value of 0.000 or < 0.05 and a statistical t value of 12,993 or > 1.96 so that the efficiency of transporting cement corporate goods by Indonesian Railways, Ltd. Co. will increase the effectiveness of services for Dynamix brand cement distributors in Yogyakarta by 79.4%. The highest efficiency of transporting goods is in the indicator of Management reducing logistics administrative costs and Management is trying to increase the level of facility utilization in providing services. Meanwhile, the effectiveness of distributor services is most effective in the indicators of Willingness to help the recipient of goods, and Providing services at the promised time. Thus, it can be concluded that in Indonesian Railways, Ltd. Co. in the Cilacap – Yogyakarta operating area is already relatively efficient in freight transportation services, and has been classified as effective in services for Dynamix brand cement distributors in Yogyakarta in 2024

Author Keywords:-Efficiency of transporting goods, service effectiveness, SEM, Indonesian Railways

Reducing Risk and Improving the Performance of Islamic Banks in Indonesia
Ananda Febrina Choirunnisak, Ahmad Roziq, Whedy Prasetyo
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-This study aims to examine the direct and indirect effects of shariah compliance, shariah capital structure, and shariah financing structure on the performance of Islamic Banks through the risks of Islamic Banks. This research uses a quantitative descriptive analysis approach with an explanatory research method. The sample consists of 10 Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia registered with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) during the period from 2018 to 2023, resulting in a total of 60 observations. The samples were collected using purposive sampling techniques from the annual financial reports of the Islamic Banks published on their official websites. Data were analyzed using path analysis with Smart Partial Least Squares (PLS) application. The results of this study show that shariah compliance has a significant positive effect on the performance of Islamic Banks, shariah capital structure has no significant effect on the performance of Islamic Banks, shariah financing structure has a significant negative effect on the performance of Islamic Banks, the risk of Islamic Banks has no significant effect on the performance of Islamic Banks, shariah compliance has no significant effect on the risk of Islamic Banks, shariah capital structure has a significant negative effect on the risk of Islamic Banks, shariah financing structure has a significant positive effect on the risk of Islamic Banks, shariah compliance does not significantly affect the performance of Islamic Banks through the risk of Islamic Banks as a mediating variable, shariah capital structure does not significantly affect the performance of Islamic Banks through the risk of Islamic Banks as a mediating variable, and shariah financing structure does not significantly affect the performance of Islamic Banks through the risk of Islamic Banks as a mediating variable.

Author Keywords:-Shariah Capital Structure, Shariah Compliance, Shariah Financing Structure, Islamic Bank Performance, Islamic Bank Risk

Analyzing Safety Factors of Pedestrian Bridge Users in Asia: A Systematic Literature Review
Putri Chandra Pratiwi, Bambang Suhardi, Pringgo Widyo Laksono
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-Pedestrian safety at the People Crossing Bridge (JPO) in Asia is a crucial issue that requires serious attention given the high number of accidents around this facility. This study aims to conduct a systematic literature review to identify and analyze the main factors that impact the safety of pedestrian bridge users in Asia using VOSviewer software. The analysis process is carried out with the PRISMA approach to ensure a systematic and relevant selection of literature. The findings of the study show that several main factors affect the safety of pedestrian bridge users, including the physical condition of the bridge, social and environmental factors, pedestrian behavior, the existence of supporting facilities such as lighting and signs, and the effectiveness of law enforcement on the use of the pedestrian bridge. In addition, emotional and psychological factors, such as the user's level of awareness and perception of risk, also contribute to safety. Evaluation of demographic factors, such as age, gender, and education level, also showed a relationship with the level of compliance in using pedestrian bridges. An analysis of the trends of pedestrian bridge safety-related publications shows an increase in attention to this topic in recent years, signaling the urgency for policy and infrastructure improvements. Overall, this systematic review suggests a holistic approach to designing and managing pedestrian bridge facilities, taking into account physical, social, emotional, and legal factors to create a safer environment for pedestrians in Asia.

Author Keywords:-Pedestrian Bridges, Pedestrian Facility, Safety Bridges, Systematic Literature Review

Application of AI in Moral Education for Students
Ainurrafiq Dawam, Dimyati Sajari, Rusdi Jamil
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-This research explores the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in moral education for university students. Using a qualitative approach, this study delves into the views, experiences, and perceptions of students and lecturers regarding the use of AI in moral education. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, participatory observation, and document analysis, involving three lecturers and seven students from various majors. The research findings indicate that AI has great potential to enhance the quality of moral education. AI can provide a more personal and interactive learning experience, as well as quick and timely feedback, which helps students better understand and internalize moral values. The use of AI applications such as chatbots and AI-based learning platforms has proven effective in supporting moral education. However, the research also identifies several challenges, including the risk of bias in AI algorithms and concerns about data privacy. Therefore, it is important for educational institutions to develop ethical policies and practices in the use of AI, as well as provide additional training for lecturers. Overall, this research provides significant insights into how AI can be used to support moral education at universities and offers practical recommendations to address existing challenges.

Author Keywords:-artificial intelligence, moral education, university, chatbot.

The Environmental Impact of Tourism, Economy and Natural Resource Rent in South Asia
Chulan Lasantha Kukule Nawarathna
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-South Asia comprises eight emerging countries with rich biodiversity and is home to more than 1.7 billion people. With a cultural heritage spanning over 2000 years, it is also known as one of the world's premier tourist destinations. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between international tourist arrivals, economic growth, and natural resource rents and their effects on the ecological footprints of four South Asian countries from 1995 to 2019. Various statistical tests were used to analyze the data, including slope homogeneity tests, cross-sectional dependency tests, second-generation unit root tests, and Westerlund co-integration tests. The Driscoll-Kraay regression model was used to test the long-run relationship between the series. In addition, the Dumitrescu-Hurlin panel causality test was used to determine the paths of causal interactions. These tests help overcome heterogeneity and cross-dependency issues in panel data analysis. The study found an inverted U-shaped Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) behavior in the selected South Asian countries, indicating a negative relationship between natural resources and ecological footprint, while tourism exhibited a positive relationship with the ecological footprint. The estimates imply that natural resource rents improve environmental quality in the selected South Asian countries.

Author Keywords:-South Asian countries, Ecological footprint, Tourism, Natural resources, Panel data analysis.

Research Processes Exploring Children’s Learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language in a School in South Africa
Norma R.A. Romm
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-In this article I offer my post-facto reflections on a study initiated in 2018 and finalized in 2019 with children from Grade 6 (ages between 11 and 12) at a school in Pretoria. The school provides Chinese as a Second Additional Language to non-Chinese speaking students (over and above teaching a First Additional Language as a core subject). I was part of a team of researchers (including Linpu Wang, Pan Lu, Norma Nel, Oupa Lebeloane and Susan Krog). We contributed in different ways to the project. Detail on historical background to the initiation of the project and a write up of some aspects of the results (pertaining to factors influencing learner acquisition) can be found in Nel and Krog (2021). In this article I provide further background explaining the gaps in the literature which this study sought to address, and how the specific methodology was geared to exploring with the participant children and their teacher their ways of learning, while also aiming to provide feedback that could be beneficial for them. I explain the significance of the study in view of the fact that very few studies have been conducted on experiences of learning of Chinese as a Foreign Language in the context of Africa. Furthermore, most studies of teaching and learning of Chinese have been with adults and with adults whose language with which they are most familiar is English. In the school in question although English was the language of instruction, learners did not necessarily speak English at home – various African languages (sometimes more than one) were mentioned by learners as being spoken, sometimes together with English.

Author Keywords:-Chinese Language in Africa, Learning Chinese at School Level, Relationality, Cultural Resonance.

Development of Augmented Reality Based Stem Learning Models and Innovations for Improving Global Competence of Middle School Students in North Sumatera Province
Efendi Napitupulu, Nono Sebayang, Enny Keristiana Sinaga
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-Developing a STEM learning model as a supporting component for improving students’ global competence today and in the future that is integrated with Augmented Reality (AR) based learning media is needed to make it easier for students to master abstract subject matter. The purpose of this research is to produce STEM learning models and AR learning media products that are developed through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics innovations in class XI subjects at State High Schools of North Sumatra Province that are feasible and effective. Assessment of the development of AR learning media models and products is carried out by conducting a feasibility test and testing the effectiveness of learning models and media. The results of media validation by material experts and learning media experts showed that the product was very feasible to use.

Author Keywords:-Development of STEM Learning Models and Innovations; Augmented Reality Learning Media; Feasible and Effective; State Middle School Students of North Sumatra Province.

The Influence of Work Supervision on Employee Performance with Discipline as a Mediating Variable at Selong Health Center, East Lombok
Putri Sandora, Zulkarnaen
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

-This study aims to explore the influence of work supervision on employee performance with work discipline as a mediating variable at Selong Health Center, East Lombok. The background of this research is based on the importance of human resource management in achieving organizational goals, particularly through supervision and work discipline. This research was conducted using a quantitative method, involving the entire population of employees at the Selong Health Center, totaling 110 people, all of whom were used as samples through a saturated sampling technique. Primary data were obtained through questionnaires focusing on aspects of work supervision, work discipline, and employee performance, while secondary data were obtained from the health center's internal documents. Data analysis was performed using path analysis to identify the direct and indirect effects between the variables studied. The results show that work supervision has a positive and significant effect on employee discipline, meaning that effective supervision can improve employee discipline levels. Furthermore, work supervision also has a positive impact on employee performance, indicating that good supervision can increase productivity and work quality. Work discipline itself has been proven to have a positive and significant effect on employee performance, suggesting that high discipline can improve work effectiveness and efficiency. Moreover, the findings reveal that work discipline mediates the influence of work supervision on employee performance, meaning that good supervision can indirectly enhance employee performance through improved work discipline. This study makes a significant contribution to the development of theory in the field of Human Resource Management (HRM), particularly in understanding how supervision and work discipline affect employee performance. Practically, these findings provide recommendations for the management of the Selong Health Center to pay more attention to the aspects of supervision and work discipline in efforts to improve organizational performance. These findings are also expected to serve as a reference for future research exploring the relationship between work supervision, work discipline, and performance in the healthcare sector or other organizations.

Author Keywords:-Work Supervision, Employee Performance, Work Discipline.