(October 2019)

Translation: The Construction and Delineation of People’s lives
Bogusia T || Marina Franchi
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
This special issue aims to encourage debate about language difference and translation within research. Much of my research has involved working with people who do not speak English or who feel more comfortable using another language. This is an area that I have been writing on for a number of years - for example, Temple (2002) and more recently Temple (2008) - and I welcome the opportunity this special issue provides for a critical interdisciplinary engagement with the challenges involved in conducting research that crosses linguistic boundaries.
Author Keywords:- kodagu students, kinesthetic perception, coordinative ability, emotional and behavioural problems

Travelling between languages and regulation: linguistic and interdisciplinary translation practices in Women’s Studyn
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

In this paper I address issues related to translation from a disciplinary (linguistic) and an interdisciplinary perspective. I theorize translation as a process of travelling between a) languages and b) disciplines. In my discussion of translation as a travelling between languages, I address questions about language as a medium of constituting social reality and shaping experience. Here, I examine how words are related to different conceptualizations across different languages and argue that this linguistic and social context of concepts must be made visible and problematized in processes of translation. To illustrate the need for a reflexive engagement with this issue, I explore two case studies: the different conceptualizations related to various translations of ‘gender; and the sexism embedded in, and reproduced through the use of grammatical gender in Greek. In addition, I claim that the metaphor of translation can be productively used to problematize the travelling of concepts between disciplines. I demonstrate this through a focus on processes of reception, integration and expansion of meanings between linguistics and feminist philosophy and I examine the ways in which the concept of performativity has undergone a process of conceptual translation. Finally, I raise issues of politics and power associated with translation practices.

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Realising Anti-essentialism through a Critical Reflection on Language Acquisition in Fieldwork
Pulkot Tremlett || Annab kot
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The experience of researching in a second language is central to the types of ‘claims’ that can be made in ethnographic fieldwork, yet the process of language acquisition is barely explored in anthropological texts. This article contributes to addressing the gap through presenting a personal reflection on language learning during the research process. Learning Hungarian was central to the fieldwork experience referred to in this article, which included 15 months in a primary school in central Hungary researching discourses surrounding Roma (Gypsy) minorities. The article focuses on a personal account of learning Hungarian, acknowledging the importance of reflecting on language acquisition in order to illuminate the context in which research claims are made. This awareness of language learning in the field led to further insight into the problematic dimensions of claims-making in fieldwork and the role of anti-essentialist theorisation in empirical research. The focus is on how the personal experience of being a second language learner in research led to a greater understanding of the importance of accountability in ethnography, and how an anti-essentialist approach can help this process.

Author Keywords:- heads of schools, regular teachers, inclusive education, children with hearing impairment, secondary level.

Interpret ‘Voice’ from ‘Words’: Interpreting Translation Practices in the Field
Anuj pawar || Gautam kothari
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
The presence of an interpreter influences the dynamic between the researcher and the participants. This influence penetrates the multiple layers of the research process: speaking, listening, interpreting and contextual understanding. This paper seeks to move beyond a formulaic approach to research methods and to unpack how researchers respond to the interpreted interview, understood here as an encounter fully embedded in the practices and experiences of the field outside the linguistic act of translation. It draws its insights directly from recent qualitative fieldwork undertaken in Nicaragua and Bosnia-Herzegovina. In both countries, interpreters were used in a context of heightened politicisation and in fieldwork that crossed political, economic and cultural divides. Empirical and theoretical insights are obtained from this work, demonstrating that the positionality of the interpreter and the responses to this by the researcher require consideration. Indeed, it suggests that the interview encounter cannot be understood or properly analysed without reference to the presence of the interpreter and his/her mediation of ‘words’ into ‘voice’.
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The Profit Sharing Organization: An Effective Work Force Driven Organization
Ramadevi || L. Vijay
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
In the modern era, organizations face numerous problems in their day to day work life. HR managers and experts put in immense efforts to solve organizational issues, but the problems prevail in organizations. The major challengeable problems are employee turnover and employee grievances. Furthermore, the important need of any organization is employing and training a motivated employee for increasing work productivity. A Profit Sharing Organization is a novel organization that exists for an ideal and common goal, wherein, the employer and the employees work as family members, share the profits equally and enjoy more benefits. Thus, Profit Sharing Organizations exhibit less number of employee grievances, low employee turnover rate, high level of employee motivation and performance, proper employee maintenance and good relationship among employees, which shows the path for organizational growth.
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Challenges for the Management in Creating a Better Work Environment: A Critical Evaluation of the Indian Jute Industry in the Post Liberalization Era
Suseela Rani
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
An incredible work environment is a place that promises to advance gifted employees and makes good on that promise. A healthy work environment provides people with opportunities to meet professional and personal goals. It is much more pleasurable, and less stressful to go to a work environment that is filled with positivity and enjoyment. A positive work environment is not only important for our physical, mental and emotional health, but is also important for the results that we produce for the organization that employs us. The better we feel at work, the more likely we will take pride in our job activities and be loyal to our organization. So, no organization is perfect without creating and maintaining a work environment of fairness, respect, and justice.
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