Volume 5 ~ Issue 1, (January-February 2023)

Re-evaluating Personal Confidence, Myself: a preliminary study from the Virtual Living Lab
Chris D Beaumont, Darrell Berry, John Ricketts
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
COVID-19 swept the world leading to an unprecedented change in peoples' lives around the world. Response by governments was varied and piecemeal, institutions and long-held practices were found not fit for purpose as daily lives were transformed. At the macro level, public and private institutions are looking to reset and regenerate for sustainable growth. At the personal level, positive trends, prior to the pandemic, associated with equality and diversity was upended and anxiety only heightened long-term mental health worries. This Research Note explores how Personal Confidence (??????) is evolving in Japan after COVID-19 restrictions had been removed, through a unique lifestyle Virtual Living Lab. The VLL was established in 2019 before the pandemic. Initial findings show Personal Confidence is in flux and by implications the nature of individuality. To engage with people, leaders need to be able to track what is important to people.

Author Keywords:- Narratives, Engagement, AI, Big Data, Empowerment, Tribal, Utility, Individuality

The Effect of the Stimulation Higher Order Thinking Skill Model in Learning Speaking on Critical Thinking Ability Reviewing from Students' Learning Results At Smpn 13 Bontoa Maros
Irwan1, Nurhayati, Abidin Pammu
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This study aims to examine the effect of applying the learning model (Stim-HOTS and PBL) on students' critical thinking skills, the effect of learning outcomes on students' critical thinking abilities, and the interaction between the model and learning outcomes on students' critical thinking skills. This research is a type of quasi-experimental research (quasi-experiment). The research design used was the posttest-only, nonequivalent control group design using the control class and the experimental class, which were treated by applying the Stim-HOTS learning model. The population in the study was all class VIII students at SMPN 13 Bontoa Maros. The research subjects were selected using a simple random sampling technique, with VIII C as the control class and VIII D as the experimental class. Data collection techniques included tests of critical thinking skills, documentation, and observation of syntax implementation. Data on critical thinking skills are collected by observing student learning outcomes.The data analysis prerequisite test used the normality and homogeneity tests, while the hypothesis test used the two-way Anova test. The results of this study concluded that the Stim-HOTs learning model had an effect on students' critical thinking skills, the learning outcomes had an effect on students' critical thinking skills, and there was no interaction between the learning model and the learning outcomes in influencing students' critical thinking abilities.

Author Keywords:--learning models, learning outcomes, Stim-HOTS, critical thinking.

Identifying Maudu Lompoa Ritual Symbols in Cikoang, Indonesia
Jamaluddin, Tadjuddin Maknun, Akin Duli, Dafirah
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Much research on Maudu lompoa has been carried out, but empirical studies with a semiotic approach have not yet been found. Therefore, through this research, researchers offer a new approach to studying symbols in the Maudu lompoa ritual and the cultural values using Roland Barthes’theory and Schwartz’s theory. This research is qualitative descriptive research, in which the research method examines the condition of natural objects. This type of research seeks to explain certain social phenomena. The researcher is the crucial instrument in which the sampling is done purposively. The results of this study found twelve (12) symbols, namely bayao (eggs), kaluku (coconut), Jangang (chicken), pamatara (half cooked rice), bakuk (bakul) or basket, salussung, kandawari, bembengan (house shape) as the four companions of the prophet, julung-julung (boat shape), tepak-tepak (small basket), pakbelo-belo (decoration), and kalli (fence).

Author Keywords:--Maudu lompoa ritual, qualitative descriptive, symbols, Roland Barthes’ theory, Schwartz’s theory.

Fostering English Foreign Language learners Intercultural competence through foreign films
Andi Rachmawati Syarif, Abdul Hakim Yassi, Nasmilah, Abidin Pammu
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This study intends to investigate how participants perceive when they learn to build intercultural awareness, as well as the extent to which intercultural awareness teaching and learning materials can be used effectively to create intercultural competence in students in English teaching classes. The participants were a group of 62 tertiary-level students who were sampled on purpose. A collection of teaching and learning materials designed to develop intercultural awareness adopted and adapted from Intercultural language activities by Corbett (2003) and Building cultural competence by Berardo and Deardorff (2012), as well as other materials that can help introduce intercultural awareness (understanding). This research also includes the use of foreign films as an integral part of intercultural teaching and learning materials to encourage the development of intercultural awareness when it is included in the process of teaching English. Survey questionnaires, reflective writing, and self-assessment forms were used to collect data according to a mixed methods approach and pre-experimental single group pre-test-post-test design. The results show that the participants have a positive attitude towards their intercultural learning experience in various aspects, especially with regard to incorporating films into the learning process, but are still hesitant to incorporate an intercultural component into the English teaching class as a whole.

Author Keywords:--Intercultural communicative competence, intercultural awareness, intercultural competence, foreign language film, English language teaching.

The Implications of the Interaction of Learning to Speak on the Speaking Ability of Class XI Students of SMA Negeri 2 Makassar
Ryzka Trydesti Ampulembang, Tadjuddin Maknun, Asriani Abbas
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The aims of this study are 1) to describe the class interactions that occur in learning to speak; 2) describe the implications of class interaction used in learning to speak on students' speaking abilities; 3) analyze the suitability of class interaction with the standard learning process in the independent learning curriculum. Researchers used the Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories (FIAC) model to analyze class interactions that occur in learning to speak. This study uses a descriptive approach with a qualitative quantitative approach (mixed method). Data was collected through the observation method with note-taking techniques. Data were analyzed interactively with three main stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion and verification. The results of the study prove that (1) speaking teacher (GB) produces an average value of 48.18%, (2) speaking students (SB) produces an average value of 27.53%, (3) silence (K) produces average value of 14.41%, (4) teacher response ratio (RRG) produces an average value of 32.45%, (5) student initiative ratio (RIS) produces an average value of 11.62%, (6) teacher direct response ratio (RRLG) produces an average value of 69.45%, (7) content turnover ratio (RPK) produces an average value of 45.77%, (8) fixed student ratio (RTS) produces an average value of 0%, and (9) the use of language between students and teachers during interactions is 93.56% for the use of Indonesian, consisting of 65.34% teachers and 28.21% students; and the use of Makassar language is 6.44%, consisting of 3.13% teachers and 3.32 students. The process of learning to speak in class XI SMA Negeri 2 Makassar has not met the standards of the Merdeka Belajar Curriculum process.

Author Keywords:-class interaction, FIAC, speaking, merdeka belajar curriculum.

Antecedents and enablers of inter-organizational systems on Firm Performance: The Mediation Effect of Supply Chain Capabilities
Emad Eldeen Abou, Idries Elsiddg Osman, Sara Mohamed Awaad
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Network-enabled enterprise systems called inter-organizational systems use (IOS) go beyond the walls of an organization, allowing partners in the supply chain to collaborate better by exchanging business information in real time. As a result, the study (Case Study: Sudan Food Industry) examined the Mediating Role of Supply Chain Management Capabilities on the Relationship between Inter-Organizational System Use on Firm Performance, with the purposeful participation of (450) participants, to whom the questionnaire was addressed. The information was then gathered from the supply chain and production management at the Sudanese food processing industry. The data was then coded using SPSS and AMOS 26. After ensuring normality, validity, and reliability, a descriptive analysis was conducted and variable correlation was examined. Path analysis was formerly used to test hypotheses. The findings of the study reveal IOS have a positive and significant impact on SCM capabilities. also, SCM capabilities mediating the relationship between IOS and Performance.

Author Keywords:--Inter-organizational systems, Supply chain responsiveness, Supply chain integration

Characteristics of MSME Development in Semarang
Th.Susetyarsi, Suyatno, Suhardi, Riyono
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The purpose of this research is to identify MSMEs in Semarang which will be used in determining strategies to increase the productivity of MSMEs in Semarang. This research was conducted in the Semarang area, the population of this study were SMEs in Semarang from various sectors. The sampling technique uses the snowball method which is taken from several sectors.These general aspects indicate several weaknesses that must be corrected, such as the education level of MSME employees, preparation of SOPs, financial performance appraisal and others. These general characteristics will have an impact on MSME development efforts that focus on management practices.

Author Keywords:-MSME, Human Resource, Marketing, Organizational

Directive Speech Actions in the Katobba Bicara Ugi Book Collected By H. Syarifuddin Husain (Pragmatic Study)
Suhartina Malbar, Lukman Lukman, Gusnawaty Gusnawaty
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

One way of preaching is preaching in the mosque. Sermons are often found in Friday prayers and holidays, namely the Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha prayers. As for activities at the mosque that are routinely carried out every week, namely the Friday sermon. preachers in preaching there are utterances that give effect to the congregation to do something called directive speech acts. This research uses a pragmatic approach. This type of research used descriptive qualitative. The data source for this research is the book "Katobba Bicara Ugi" compiled by H. Syarifuddin Husain. There are five materials selected and used as research data. The data of this study are in the form of words, phrases, clauses or sentences that contain directive forms of speech. The purpose of this study focuses on the types of directive speech in Bugis sermons. The theory used to analyze is based on Searle's theory regarding directive illocutionary acts by analyzing the types of directive utterances. The results of the study show that there are five types of directive speech acts, namely directive speech acts of requests, orders, prohibitions, advice and questions. The five types of directive speech acts are given general terms after revealing the specific form of directive speech acts. Types of requests can be in the form of asking, praying, hoping, and inviting. Command type is command. The type of prohibition is prohibition. Types of questions in the form of asking and types of advice in the form of suggesting, advising, convincing, and reminding. The most common types of directive exhortation speech acts are found in Bugis discourses.

Author Keywords:-pragmatics, speech acts, directives, sermons, Bugis

Covid-19 Effect on Supply Chain a Case Study of Supply Chain Resilience Challenges and Learned Lessons from Pandemic
Cherouk Amr Yassin, Mohamed Ibrahim Mahmoud
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The global supply chain has been in crisis for two years, and there is no end. Ports are inundated with shipping containers, and freight rates have reached new highs. Unfortunately, not just one company or industry feels the impact: the supply chain crisis impacts everyone. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant effect on supply chain management. The disruption of global trade will drastically impact companies' production, shipping, and economic well-being worldwide. In terms of production, companies will need to find alternative sources of raw materials and components that are not affected by the pandemic. This may include sourcing from countries with less risk of contagion or finding new suppliers altogether. Many companies are already looking at ways to increase their domestic manufacturing operations to reduce their reliance on international shipping routes. In terms of shipping, many companies have suspended all shipments or are limiting them to only essential items like food, medical supplies, and fuel for vehicles and generators. Other companies are using air travel as much as possible because it is less susceptible to disruption by roadblocks and other security measures put in place by governments trying to curb the spread of COVID-19 infection rates among civilians who may be traveling abroad while they still can before they are forced into quarantine at home instead (which will limit their ability to work remotely). The effects of COVID-19 on the supply chain have been wide-ranging. Global economic growth and trade are both negatively impacted by the pandemic, which has resulted in plummeting global GDP and deflation. The global economy is also affected by increased shipping costs and reduced demand for goods resulting from increased safety measures and travel restrictions. These factors have resulted in a decrease in transportation industry productivity, as well as a disruption to distribution channels and routes. In addition, COVID-19 has caused an increase in production costs due to shortages of workers who can work on-site due to illness, travel restrictions, and other factors. As well as higher labor costs due to increased demand for workers.

Author Keywords:-Covid-19, Supply Chain, Resilience, Transportation, Manufacturing, Demand Planning, Procurement, Challenges, Sustainability.

Improving Student's Writing Procedure Text through Student Facilitator and Explaining Learning Model
Hamriany, Nurhayati, Asriani Abbas
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

In this research, the researcher tended to analyze the improving students writing procedure text by using student’s facilitator and explaining learning model. Instrument of this research were questionnaires, observations and document. the data analysis was analyzed by using quantitatively and qualitatively. The results shows that the students’ facilitator and explaining learning model can be seen that it can increase the students’ productive skill especially in writing procedure text in learning and teaching process. The implications of research conducted by researchers related to the impact of research results on learning process. The development of an authentic as productive skill in based-learning can facilitate teacher performance in assessment to increase students' ability to understand the content read text.

Author Keywords:-Procedure Text, Learning Model, Language Teaching

Role of Microfinance in Socioeconomic Empowerment of Rural Women in Gadarif State - Sudan (Some Imperial Evidences)
Dr. Gasim Alfaki Ali, Moham ed Idris Osman
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This paper aimed at examining the effectiveness of microfinance loans extended to rural women by Gadarif Microfinance Institution (GMI), in Gadarif State-Sudan, with the purpose of empowering socioeconomic conditions of rural women. By empowerment we mean the ability of women to possess the necessary resources to enable them to participate viably in economic and social decisions, at the family and community levels. For realization of this purpose, the study used a mixed approach for data collection; i.e. paper–pencil-questionnaire which was used for the collection of quantitative data. Moreover, the qualitative approach was used, relying on Focus Discussion Group (FDG) and direct observations. The collected data, was, analyzed by using statistical methods (AMOS). After analyzing the collected data, the study ascertained many findings supplemented with effective suggestions as corrective measures. The worth noting finding is that, microfinance projects were contributed significantly to increasing the economic and social empowerment of rural women in Gadarif state, and this was evidently depicted and supplemented by the results of the statistical analysis, which confirmed that, the results matched the hypothesis of the study, and more importantly, the results of the qualitative analysis supported the quantitative results with the presence of some problems that to some extent limited to the wide range operations of economic and social empowerment of rural women at macro level. Therefore, an immediate tackling of these problems is called for to ensure an effective comprehensive implementation of microfinance projects in the country at large.

Author Keywords:-Microfinance,institution, empowerment, socioeconomic, rural women

Competence Development and Employee Responsiveness in the Bayelsa State Hospitality Sector
Bunatari Ogoun PhD, Jasmine Okponanabofa Tamunosiki-Amadi, Ph.D, Helen-May Ogoun
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This study examined the empirical relationship between worker competence development and employee responsiveness in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, The population of the study are all the hotels operating in the hospitality sector and registered with the Hotelier Association of Nigeria, Yenagoa. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, with the help of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 23. The analysis revealed a moderate and positive relationship between competence mapping and innovativeness in the hospitality sector. Also, it revealed that there is a strong and positive relationship between competence mapping and timeliness in the hospitality sector in Yenagoa. However, there is a weak but positive relationship between competence mapping and task alertness in the hospitality sector in Yenagoa. Thus, the study concludes that managing organizational employees' competency effectively is perhaps more critical now than in the past, given the unpredictable, dynamic, and complicated nature of the corporate environment. Therefore, the study recommends that competency mapping is necessary to strengthen business strategy, culture, and vision.

Author Keywords:-Competence Development, Employee Resilience, Innovativeness, Time alertness, Timeliness, Worker Competence Management

Character Values of Children's Moral and Spiritual Education through Sayyang Pattu du
Heriyati Yatim, Andi Jamilah Mangkona, E. Wara Suprihatin Dyah Pratamawati, Lu mu
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The cultural procession of Sayyang Patuddu (Dancing Horse) in correlation with the values of moral and spiritual character education in the Polewali Mandar (Polman) area of West Sulawesi Province. This research is expected to increase knowledge and insight regarding traditional processions in Sayyang Patuddu performances in the community. Procession Sayyang Patuddu cultural or artistic performance is a type of traditional art of the Mandar people which has the spirit of Islam and is oriented towards understanding the values of moral and spiritual character education for prospective children in the future. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by direct observation at the research location (Observation), conducting interviews with several sources (Interview), collecting documentation and literature (library research). Analyzing data with descriptive qualitative analysis techniques, the stages are data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the study show that the procession in the performance of the Sayyang Patuddu traditional art is one of the cultural products that functions as a means of preaching the spread of Islam in the Mandar lands, especially in the Polewali Mandar and Majene Regencies. Sayyang Patuddu’s traditional art contains the values of character education for children in an enlightening future perspective.

Author Keywords:-Values, Character Education, Sayyang Patuddu

Accelerating Job Performance through Physical Working Conditions: Evidence from Apparel Sector in Sri Lanka
Wasala, W.M.W.G.N.K, Kularathne, H.M.R.D
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Enthusiastic and hardworking employees are biggest assets of any organization. The working conditions in the majority of industries are weak, unsafe and unhealthy. This includes poorly designed workstations, unsuitable furniture, lack of ventilation, inappropriate lighting, excessive noise, high temperature, fatigue, monotony and the negative attitude and behaviors supervisors’ and colleagues’. People, who are working in such conditions cause on employee’s poor performance. Thus overall performance of the organization is decreased due to the working conditions. Therefore, the quality of the employee’s working conditions that most impacts on achieving their performances. Apparel sector is the emerging sector which contributes to Sri Lankan economy more and more. Creating a better work conditions in which employees are productive is essential to increased profits for all the apparel sector industries in Sri Lanka. Therefore, this paper presents several working conditions both including physically and psychologically which directly or indirectly effect on employee’s job performance. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of working conditions (WC) on job performance (JP) of employees in apparel industry in Kandy district, Sri Lanka. The sample used for this study consists of 147 randomly selected employees of apparel industry in Kandy district Sri Lanka. The data collection methodology of the study was questionnaire survey.. The data was analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. Mean Score and Standard Deviation were used for all the variables for correlation coefficients and regression analyses were used for inferential analysis. The hypotheses were tested using the regression coefficient (Beta). Accordingly, eight hypotheses were accepted while two hypotheses rejected. At the end, a few recommendations and future research directions were suggested by the researcher.

Author Keywords:-Employee Performance, Working Conditions, Apparel Sector, Sri Lanka

Empirical Research on the Information Efficiency of the Macedonian Stock Exchange
M.Sc. Ivona Tasevska
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

One of the basic hypotheses in modern finance that defines financial markets is the Efficient Market Hypothesis. The existence of information efficient markets, where all information is incorporated in the price of financial instruments is the basis of rational economic theory. There may be an upward or downward trend in the financial markets, but after the inclusion of new information in the financial instruments, they would stabilize until the next new information. In addition to the definition of efficient markets, the hypothesis of random walk has a significant application, which explains that the market cannot be beaten and that prices and returns move in a random upward or downward direction. The paper includes two methodologies to confirm the efficiency of the financial markets. The first research was conducted in order to confirm the hypothesis of a random walk implementing a coefficient of variance test. The test was conducted using a large series of data of the returns’ movement of stock exchange indices on the Macedonian, Belgrade, Zagreb, Sofia and Ljubljana Stock Exchange, as well as the American S&P500 index. The second research which is including the model of market multipliers was conducted for the most liquid stocks on the Macedonian Stock Exchange and selected stocks from the US Stock Exchange Markets, in order to show the underestimation or overestimation in relation to the market value of stocks, thus to show the sentiment that investors have when trading a certain type of stock. The results of the research show that the regional financial markets, as well as the domestic ones, do not follow the random walk, giving an opportunity to the possibility of using alternative behavioral approaches to explain the reasons for the deviation. For the second survey, where significant differences in the fundamental and market value of the stocks appear, the reason for the deviation is the expectations of investors.

Author Keywords:-Behavioral Finance, Efficient Market Hypothesis, Random Walk, Stock Exchange

Drug Clearing Initiative: Efficacy, Challenges & Recommendations
Noe S. Briguel, Michael L. Estremera, Ma. Jean D. Deuda
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This paper sheds light to the efficacy of drug clearing initiative of Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council (BADAC) as well as identified some ensuing challenges of the initiative with recommendations from the grassroots level. The study employed a descriptive method, a systematic gathering and evaluation of data to describe, explain and understand the Barangay Drug Clearing Program in Sorsogon City. The study found that the program is highly effective in all its phases. Although there is a sufficient number of focal persons, the lack of logistical requirements was presented as the ultimate problem that hinders the program to reach its full capacity. Most significantly, it is recommended that the residents should participate more in the implementation of the said program through educating themselves further and by openly coordinating with their local officials regarding barangay drug activities. It is suggested that the BADAC members should improve their planning, strategizing, implementation, and evaluation of programs on drug abuse prevention and rehabilitation in their respective barangays. They are highly advised to maintain transparency and accuracy with all matters regarding the Drug Watch List. Further, it will be acclaimed if the City of Sorsogon undertakes the necessary steps to maintain their high functionality in terms of the Barangay Drug Clearing Program.

Author Keywords:-Barangay Anti-Drug Abuse Council, Crimes, Drug, Drug Clearing Initiative, Empirical Analysis

Managerial Ownership, Intellectual Capital, Profitability and Firm Value: Evidence in Indonesian Banking Sector
Listia Aulia Indy, Lia Uzliawati
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The research motivated by the phenomenon of firm value when the rupiah declined in 2018. This study examined the influence of Managerial ownership, Intellectual Capital, and Profitability to Firm value in Banking sector. The population of this study were Banking that listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017- 2021 and the samping technique used purposive sampling. The result show that Managerial ownership and intellectual capital had not influence to firm value., but the profitability had an influence to firm value.

Author Keywords:-Managerial Ownership, Intellectual Capital, Provitability, Firm Value and Banking

Pancasila and Citizenship Education Teachers' Strategy for Realizing the Class as a Democracy Laboratory (Study at SMA Negeri 2 Surakarta)
Nining Fatimah Sakdiyah, Triyanto, Hassan Suryono
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The background of this research is that the knowledge of students at SMA N 2 Surakarta is still low regarding democracy, causing students to be less able to act democratically in everyday life. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach and data collection is done by interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis model used in this study is an interactive analysis model. The results of the study show that the class as a democracy laboratory means engineering in creating school conditions, especially the class as a place where students actively complete tasks with awareness, freedom and responsibility.

Author Keywords:-Civics Learning, Democracy Studies, Democracy Laboratory