Volume 5 ~ Issue 4, (2023)

The Influence of Compensation, Work Environment and Promotion through Motivation on Jember University Employee Performance
Budianto Silalahi, Diana Sulianti K Tobing, Handriyono
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
Jember University employee performance is very important to support the implementation of the Public Service Agency Financial Management Pattern. Implementation of compensation, work environment, promotion of employee performance through work motivation is the most important part to support the optimal performance of employees as well as the organization that oversees them. Therefore the purpose of this research is to see which models are suitable to be applied at the University of Jember to support optimal organizational performance. This study uses a causality relationship research design to determine the most significant Model I and Model II to be applied to the University of Jember. The number of samples included in this study was 100 people representing 606 employees from 17 work units at the University of Jember. The tool for data analysis is a model test using the Smart PLS application version 3.0. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Model 1: namely compensation with a positive contribution to work motivation of R square 0.554 and a statistical T value of 2.012 and more then or equals to 0.2 and contribution F square is 0.115 (11.5% ) and the significant value is P Value 0.045 more then or equals to 0.05. 2. Model II: (1) Compensation, work environment, promotion contribute positively to performance through work motivation of R Square 0.670 (67%) and Statistical T Value of 3.781 more then or equals to 0.2 and F square of 0.273 (27.3%) and a significant value of PValue 0.00 more then or equals to 0.05. (2) Promotion contributes positively to employee performance with a statistical T value of 9.964 more then or equals to 0.2 and F square 1.075 (10. 75%) and a significant value of P Value of 0.00 more then or equals to 0.05. The suggestion of this research is that the University of Jember should focus more on providing compensation and promotions to improve employee performance through work motivation so that the goals of the Jember University Public Service Agency become efficient and effective.

Author Keywords:- Compensation, Work Environment, Promotion, Motivation & Employee Performance

An Investigation on the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Caregivers Nursing Children with Malnutrition towards the Health Education Given on the Condition at Public Health Institutions in Zimbabwe
Custon Zowini's, Marisa Johannes, Marisa Clever
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Zimbabwe faced its worst malnutrition rates in the past 15 years where more than 33 000 children urgently needed treatment for severe acute malnutrition every year hence the reason to conduct an investigation on knowledge, attitudes and practices of caregivers nursing children with malnutrition towards the health education given on the condition at Public Health Institutions in Zimbabwe. The study determined the level of knowledge on malnutrition caregivers nursing children with the condition have, assessed the attitudes regarding the health education given on malnutrition caregivers nursing children have and determined child feeding practices commonly used by caregivers nursing children have. 110 questionnaires were administered to the participants and 100 of them were returned giving a return rate of 90.9%. The study found that the majority of participants (66.3%) had inadequate knowledge on the proper types of food to give children to avoid malnutrition. Though weaning the children was not influenced by employment status, however, the majority of participants (68.4%) had no idea on the appropriate age to wean their children but other reasons known to them. It was further established that the participants (31.6%) acquired information on health education in their suitable environment. The results also indicated that the majority of the participants (59.0%) got unclear information on malnutrition. The study further found that the participants provided their children with the food that lacked balanced diet, which negatively affect their health. Therefore, the study recommended that sensitising parents on the importance of proper child feeding practices and proper type of foods to consume should be an on-going activity, sensitising parents on the importance of proper child feeding practices and proper type of foods to consume should be an on-going activity, appropriate actions and strategies should be made to reverse the high rate of malnutrition of children recorded in government hospitals and a follow up study with a large sample size should be conducted to investigate the knowledge, attitudes and practices of caregivers nursing children with malnutrition in both private and public health institutions across the country.

Author Keywords:-Knowledge, Caregivers, Attitude, Malnutrition, Children, Practices And Nursing.

The Design of Web-Based Application System Shoe Size Selection Based On Anthropometric Foot Size
Bambang Suhardi, Naufal Ammar, I Wayan Suletra
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Shoes have become a necessity and a human lifestyle in keeping up with the times. The primary function of shoes is to protect the feet from various conditions. Shoe size is an important consideration for consumers when buying shoes. One of the consumer behaviors when choosing shoes is to wear these shoes before consumers buy shoes. When consumers come to the store, consumers can try all the shoe numbers that match their foot size. However, it is different when buying shoes through e-commerce, consumers cannot try to wear shoes themselves if they buy them online, this condition often causes the purchased shoes to have a size that does not fit the consumer's feet. This study will discuss how to design a web-based application system to make it easier for consumers to choose a shoe size that fits their feet when buying shoes through ecommerce. The method used in developing this web-based application is the Waterfall model, which comprises several stages, i.e. analysis, design, code, and testing. This study produces a web-based application that can help users determine shoe sizes when buying via e-commerce.

Author Keywords:-Shoe size, E-commerce, Web-based application, Waterfall, and Usability testing

The Main Barriers to the Implementation of Industry 4.0 in RMG for Bangladesh: A Fuzzy-AHP Analysis
Sarajit Kumar Mondal, Sajal Chandra Banik, Md. Sanaul Rabbi
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Sarajit Kumar Mondal1, Sajal Chandra Banik2, Md. Sanaul RabbiThe manufacturing and processing industries in Bangladesh are being influenced by the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The goal of the study is to use the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy-AHP) geometric mean approach, a Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methodology, to identify, analyze, and rank the main barriers to Industry 4.0 implementation in Bangladesh's Ready-Made Garments (RMG) industries. Using pairwise comparisons, the linguistic and numerical preferences of 11 specialists from various industries were collected. The four primary barriers identified from related review studies are used as input variables in the Fuzzy-AHP method to measure the intensity level of barriers. The results have shown that the main four barriers to Industry 4.0 are: Lack of Decision makers' support and industry owners' willingness (43%); Lack of Ability to cover digital infrastructure costs (29.3%); Lack of Technical skills and learning (17.5%); and Availability of a cheaper workforce (10.2%). The barriers are evaluated and prioritized based on their weightings, which measure the intensity of the barriers to Industry 4.0 implementation. Applying the consistency ratio verification technique, the collected ratio scales are validated

Author Keywords:-Industry 4.0; Fuzzy-AHP; Ready Made Garments (RMG); Main barriers; Pair wise Comparisons.

Security Risk Management Strategies in High-Risk Environments
Michael Munyaradzi Makova (PhD)
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Security risks in humanitarian operational environments are diverse and complex and require systematic approaches to address them. The paper presents an overview of security risk management in high-risk humanitarian contexts. It critically examines security risk management strategies adopted by humanitarian organizations to deal with insecurity in high risk environments. Addressing security risks in high-risk humanitarian environments entails embracing some or a mixture of security risk management strategies suitable to given contexts. The aim is to lower security risks to levels that allow safe and secure humanitarian operations. Sound humanitarian security risk management strategies allow humanitarian personnel to stay and deliver, enabling humanitarian work to continue in high-risk environments. In this regard, humanitarian organizations have cardinal responsibilities to develop and implement security risk management policies, procedures, processes, practices, and measures that address inherent security risks in high risk environments.

Author Keywords:-Duty of care, High-risk environments, Humanitarian security risk management, Security strategy and Security risk management strategies.

Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility, Brand Equity, Customer Trust and Usage Decisions in the Hotel Industry
Ly Nguyen Khanh, Anh Tran Tuan, Hoa Nguyen Kieu
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This study researches corporate social responsibility's impact on hotel industry consumer usage decisions through two mediating factors: brand equity and customer trust. Although there have been many studies on the impact of CSR on consumer behavior, there is no research conducted in the hotel industry in Vietnam. Results of an empirical study of 562 tourists in Vietnam. The partial least squares linear structural modeling method (PLS-SEM) was used. Research shows that CSR directly impacts brand equity, customer trust, and usage decisions. In addition, CSR also contributes to improving business reputation and brand trust, thereby indirectly affecting consumer usage decisions. The research results will supplement the rationale for the direct and indirect impacts of CSR on consumption behavior, and at the same time suggest recommendations for the hotel industry in Vietnam to improve the implementation of CSR.

Author Keywords:-CSR, Brand Equity, Customer Trust, Usage Decision, Hotel Industry, Vietnam

Information Technology and Tax Intelligence Towards Taxpayers’ Database in Nigeria
Prof. John A.M. Agbonika, Prof. Josephine A.A. Agbonika, San
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Digitalization has taken the center stage in the nation’s economic activities and has rendered the existing traditional tax rules and processes ineffective. Consequently, the advent of digital age has been the motivating force of all human activities. Information technology now rules the world giving rise to digital economy, E-commerce, and information technology has brought unprecedented speed and revolution to business transactions thereby changing the face of tax administration in countries. The rapid development of new technology supports the shift in emphasis from tax administrations relying on taxpayer behavior and information as the main focus of tax administration to data-driven operations as the basis for all functions. Data-intensive procedures are now used to close tax gaps and are able to capture tax avoidance or evasion without necessarily increasing the level (rates) or scope of taxation. This paper seeks to analyse the effect of information technology and intelligence services on tax administration in Nigeria.

Author Keywords:-Tax, Information Technology, tax intelligence.

Factors Affecting Cash Holding in Manufacturing Companies in The Consumer Goods Sector
Stella Elvira Saputra,Yuniarwati
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of leverage, net working capital, and capital expenditure on cash holding in manufacturing companies in the consumer goods sector listed on the IDX for the 2019-2021 period. Determination of sample selection by applying the purposive sampling method, which resulted in a total sample of 32 companies in this study that met the qualifications. Hypothesis testing is used with the model using multiple regression analysis. This data was processed with EViews (Econometric Views) student version lite 12 software. The results of this study indicate that leverage has a negative effect on cash holding. While net working capital has no effect on cash holding and capital expenditure has no effect on cash holding.

Author Keywords:-Leverage, Net Working Capital, Capital Expenditure, Cash Holding.

Teachers’ & Students’ ICT Competencies and Their Attitudes Towards the Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning -Gauteng Province (South Africa)
Onismus Rufaro Rondozai
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

With the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) sweeping across the globe, South Africa could not be left behind by this digitalization tide. ICT integration programs have been initiated in the education system in Gauteng province by Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to improve students’ outcomes. The research study therefore, aimed at assessing teachers’ and students’ skills and attitudes towards the use of ICTs in teaching and learning. It relied on online questionnaires that solicited for self-assessments from teachers and students on the use of ICTs. To reduce bias, the same questions were used at multi-levels (i.e. student, teacher and ICT Coordinator levels), so as to get a balanced view of the status quo. The results of the study revealed that teachers and students had strong positive attitudes towards this technology despite some challenges inherent in a program of this magnitude. Therefore, it is recommended that GDE and NGOs take advantage of this interest as a springboard for more focused ICT integration programs, to make school digitalization a reality. The major hiccup identified was that although teachers were very positive about the utilization of ICTs, most of them still lacked adequate technical skills to implement ICT integration effectively. So, it is recommended that GDE and NGOs assist in making ICT teacher development more focused and well-resourced to equip the teachers with advanced ICT skills to help institutionalize ICTs and improve students’ learning outcomes.

Author Keywords:-digitalization, Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR), ICT integration, institutionalize, quantitative research

The Reality of ICT Integration in Schools of Specialisation- Gauteng Province (South Africa)
Onismus Rufaro Rondozai
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Gauteng Department of Education in collaboration with Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and Governance (MGSLG) embarked on a journey of implementing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) integration in 114 Gauteng province schools. Of these, 17 are Schools of Specialisation. This paper analysed the challenges and successes of ICT integration in 15 Schools of Specialisation that were purposively sampled for this research. Technology Acceptance Model2 (TAM2) model was used to understand the factors affecting the Perceived Use and Ease of Use of ICT tools in teaching and learning. It was observed that there was a correlation between the number of teachers who attended training workshops organised by the ICT Facilitators and the number of teachers who went on to use ICTs in teaching and learning. This is an indication that teachers are now adopting ICTs. What can be debated further is whether ICTs are being used effectively to assist teaching and learning processes. The major handicap is the provision of ICT resources in schools. Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) should make it a priority that schools get the required resources in time. However, (School Governing Bodies (SGBs) can be encouraged to purchase ICT devices for their schools to cover the gap left by GDE.

Author Keywords:--------------------------------

Reviewing Language Proficiency and Communicative Competence from Second Language Acquisition (SLA) Scholars’ Perspective
Dr. Pouya Vakili
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This paper aims at comparing language proficiency and communicative competence. It also directs the discussion towards the definitions of competence in different paradigms through the perspectives of second language acquisition/assessment scholars. Competence has received various definitions depending on what language theory scholars have invested in. Linguistic competence (i.e., knowledge of second language (L2) grammar) is associated with generative linguistic theory which is supported by Chomsky and his followers. The other main perspective relies on acquisitions of communicative competence which is defined as the knowledge of both L2 grammar and how this knowledge is practiced in actual communicative settings.

Author Keywords:-Communicative competence, language proficiency, linguistic competence, Competence

The Fish Smoking Process in Malalanda Village, Kulisusu District, North Buton Regency
Febriana Muchtar, Lisnawaty, Hastian
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Fish is a quality animal protein source, yet it is easily damaged or decayed due to high water content and nutrients that attract destructive microorganisms. Therefore, fish preservation and fish processing are done to prevent fish from being decayed. Smoking is one of fish preservation method that extends the shelf life of fish by changing the organoleptic properties of fish through the smoking process. This paper describes the process of smoking fish in the village of Malalanda, Kulisusu District, North Buton Regency that is the center of smoking fish industry. This descriptive study was conducted through suveys to collect the data. The results of this study found that tuna (Thunnus spp) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) were the most common smoked fish. Smoking fish was still traditionally carried out using simple equipment through several stages: fish preparation, sorting, fish slicing, washing, tying fish with wood, draining, smoking and selling.

Author Keywords:-Smoking fish, Skipjack fish, and Tuna fish

Examining Promotion as a Key Motivational Factor: A Case Study of Tlokweng Land Board
Kelly Masoto
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Promotions are essential for both the success of an organisation and the advancement of its employees. This study examines promotion trends, the reasons for promotions, and their effects on employee morale using data from a research study conducted among land-board employees. 42 employees responded to the questionnaire, and the results showed that 38.1% of them had never received a promotion. Good performance (38.1%) is the most frequent reason for promotion, followed by length of service (14.3%) and qualifications (4.8%). With 97.6% of respondents expressing a favourable impact, the study emphasises the strong beneficial impact of promotions on the land employee morale. On the contrary, a clear promotion policy is thought to be absent because 42.9% of employees do not think that the human resources promotes fairly or transparently. These results point to the need for fair promotion opportunities, increased transparency in the land board promotion procedures, and improved policy communication. Land board and other employers may use these insights to improve employee motivation, job satisfaction, and promotion policies, all of which will help the organisation succeed as a whole.

Author Keywords:-Employees, Land board, Motivation, Performance, Promotion

Strategies and Indicators of Elocutionary Power for Persuasion and Sustainability of People’s Hope: Selected Speeches of the Fifth President of Kenya Hundred Days in Office
Emmanuel Ejike, Joseph Maina, Caroline Kinuu Kimathi
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The fundamental issues with elocution still revolve around the skill of public speaking with the proper tone, inflection, and pronunciation. Voice techniques and body language are utilized to properly and convincingly give a speech. The purpose of elocution is to clearly and successfully communicate a message to an audience, be it for entertainment, education, persuasion or to sustain hopes and interests in the audience. Elocution is a key component of the speeches of political speakers. Politics has evolved into a component of the society that cannot be separated from the language of the society. It is impossible to imagine politics without language use since politics is a game in which language is one of the most effective tools in the hands of its participants, the politicians. Politicians must develop the ability, power, and elocutionary strategies necessary for clear and distinct communication with their various audiences if they want to be taken seriously and have their objectives met. This is done so that when the politicians speak, their audiences can hear them, and when they communicate, their audiences can easily understand them. Failure on the side of politicians in this respect will result in a great deal of difficulties in hearing and comprehending, as well as misinterpretations and unwanted reactions from the audience. When elocution is utilized appropriately and efficiently in political speeches, the audience can be persuaded, which may also lead to the sustaining of the audience's hopes and interests. This paper examines the indicators and strategies of elocutionary power as used by the fifth president of Kenya for the purpose of persuasion and sustainability of the people’s hope and interest, within his first hundred days in office. This study employs qualitative research approach guided by the tenets of Critical Discourse analysis Theory and Relevance Theory. Using purposive sampling, data were collected from some selected speeches of the fifth president of Kenya, hundred days in office. Critical, descriptive and analytical research designs were used to analyze the data and the indicators and strategies of elocution identified and discussed. The findings of the study indicate that the speaker made use of some meaningful strategies to show his power of elocution employed to persuade the people and sustain their hopes and interests.

Author Keywords:-Elocution, persuasion, hope/interest sustainability, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Relevance Theories, elocutionary indicators/strategies.

The Pursuit of Peace through Literature
Dr. Aazra Nuh, Ms. Gennia Nuh
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF


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Corporate Governance Mechanism, Profitability, Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Firm Value in Indonesia Mining and Energy Industry
Dwi Septa Mulyani, Lia Uzliawati
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This study aims to examine the influence of corporate governance mechanism, return on equity and disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility with firm value in Indonesia mining and energy industry. The corporate governance mechanism on this study is proxy by the board of commissioners and managerial ownership. Profitability on this study is proxy by return on equity. The research sample consists of 27 mining and energy companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the 2017-2021 period. Data analysis was performed using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that managerial ownership and ROE have a positive influence on firm value. but independent commissioner and CSR disclosure have a negative influence to firm value.

Author Keywords:-independent commissioners, managerial ownership and profitability, corporate social responsibility disclosure and firm value.

Exploring Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Soil Moisture Using SMAP, Khorasan Razavi, Iran
Ameneh Sadat Hosseini, Davood Asadi, Shima Mohammadzadeh, Sara Ghalandari
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Surface soil moisture serves as a vital factor affecting soil evaporation, transpiration, hydrology, ecology, and agriculture; so accurate quantification of soil moisture is crucial. However, achieving high temporal resolution in monitoring and interpreting soil moisture patterns is challenging, especially in developing nations like Iran. To bridge the data gap, remote sensing techniques offer continuous soil moisture monitoring at moderate temporal resolution and lower cost. Multiple operational microwave satellites contribute to global surface soil moisture mapping, with Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) recognized for its accuracy. This study employs SMAP satellite data to analyze the temporal and spatial dynamics of soil moisture in Khorasan Razavi province, located in Iran, providing insights into 2015-2022 trends. Findings reveal monthly average soil moisture ranging from 0.0712 m³m⁻³ in August to 0.1625 m³m⁻³ in March, with an annual average of 0.1150 m³m⁻³, lower than the country's annual average. Seasonal volumetric water content ranges from 0.1343 m³m⁻³ in summer to 0.0751 m³m⁻³ in winter. Variations are attributed to diverse climates, topography, and land use affecting precipitation and soil moisture. The paper also concludes that while results aid water and soil management in Khorasan Razavi, comprehensive soil moisture studies should encompass all Iranian provinces. Furthermore, recent soil moisture monitoring techniques can also be used to capture high spatial resolution soil moisture datasets.

Author Keywords:-Google Earth Engine, Iran, Khorasan Razavi, Soil Moisture, Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) satellite.