Volume 6 ~ Issue 4, (2024)

Azis Nur Alamsyah, Tri Septin Muji Rahayu
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF
This study explores the influence of flash sales, free shipping taglines, discounts, and hedonic shopping motivation on impulsive buying decisions on Shopee. The subjects of the research are students of Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto. The sample was collected using a purposive sampling method, with a total sample size of 100 individuals. Data analysis was conducted using multiple linear regression. The results of the study indicate that 1) flash sales do not have a significant influence on impulsive buying, 2) the "free shipping" tagline has a significant positive influence on impulsive buying, 3) price discounts do not have a significant influence on impulsive buying, and 4) hedonic shopping motivation has a significant positive influence on impulsive buying.

Author Keywords:- Flash Sale, "Free Shipping" Tagline, Price Discounts, Hedonic Shopping Motivation

Arief Prabowo Sukoco, Bambang Suhardi, Eko Pujiyanto
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Low work motivation and lack of employee performance cause poor public services in the Magetan regional government. One of the contributing factors is additional employee income (AEI) is unfair. Thus, this research develops a model for providing additional employee income which refers to the 2022 Magetan Regent Regulation. This research uses a mixed method with qualitative and quantitative integration. This model considers four assessment factors, namely workload, working conditions, work performance, and professional scarcity. The research results show an increase of 27% in the proposed AEI compared to the existing AEI. The proposed AEI not only considers class and position aspects but also the daily activities of each employee. The urgency of this research is to provide the best model to calculate the AEI and encourage employees to continue to achieve optimal performance, especially at the Magetan Regency Transportation Service.

Author Keywords:- additional employee income, performance, employee

An Overview of Neuromarketing Strategy Applied by Marketers as a Marketing Tool
Khayrul Alam
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Neuromarketing focuses primarily on brain activities, comprehending consumers' subconscious minds, elucidating their preferences, motivations, and expectations, and forecasting their behavior. Therefore, neuromarketing is the study of how people's brains respond to advertising and other brand-related messages by scientifically monitoring brainwave activity, eye tracking, and skin response. It involves measuring physiological and neural impulses to gain insight into customers' motivations, preferences, and choices. This paper aims to scrutinize neuromarketing strategies applied by marketers as a marketing tool in marketing management and figure out how to deal with them. This study conducts a critical review of existing literature. We summarize the context of neuromarketing, its terminology, concepts, procurement process, real-world business examples, methods and techniques, managerial applications, conclusions, and implications for consumer research. The results indicate that neuromarketing holds significant potential for consumer research, as it facilitates the collection of information and new insights that businesses can use to develop customercentric ideas. As a result, this review will assist researchers in developing effective approaches to provide better and more efficient services to consumers by utilizing scientific methods to understand how consumers respond to marketing campaigns.

Author Keywords:- Neuromarketing, Neuroscience, Neuromarketing Tools, Managerial Applications, Neuromarketing Ethics.

Rízia Eduarda Andrade
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This article aims to develop the topic of psychosis from a structural perspective. The starting point is the judgment of reality and as this is expressed in a distorted way in the symptoms, it is necessary not only to recover the capacity for lucidity, but above all, to understand the affective origin that precipitated the subject into the pathological process. This work is justified by the already widely known fact that psychosis is a very debilitating symptomatic condition with pessimistic prognoses, leading many psychotic patients to develop a situation of chronic dependence on mental health systems. The work methodology is theoretical, however, with a focus on practical applicability, that is, when developing the theme, the aim is to offer means of action to therapists and mental health professionals who deal directly with patients in a psychotic process. The theoretical premises are based on the contributions of the two greatest authors in psychoanalysis: Freud and Lacan.

Author Keywords:- Psychosis. Structure. Psychoanalysis. Therapy. Freud. Lacan. Language.

The Artistic Expression at the Political Action Service
Jamal Khalil, Sara Cherqaoui
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

In the wake of the Arab uprisings of 2011, dubbed the "Arab Spring", Morocco saw an unprecedented but above all unexpected social protest movement: the February 20 Movement (M20F). Young artists on the urban scene, especially rappers, decided to transform their tool of artistic expression into an instrument of political action, joining this popular protest. The question we'll be dealing with is not that of the spoken word itself, but rather that of how it became resistant and militant, and how it became a tool of protest. Examples: "Les chiens de l'état" by rapper Mouad Belghouat aka El Haqed, a key figure in the M20F movement, and "Mabghitch" by Tawfik Hazeb aka Don Bigg. Secondly, methodologically, we'll make it clear that rap cannot be limited to a protest activity, nor can we reduce this music to its subversive dimension, given that the political character of rap is multifaceted, and that the discourse conveyed by rap can indeed be perceived and used as a form of commitment, awareness and willingness to act on representations in the social world. We will then try to understand how speech becomes political and how protest speech spaces are formed. Finally, we will show the management and strategy adopted by the state in the face of the protest threat: intimidation, denunciation, imploration, instrumentalization of the media, discrediting the M20F.

Author Keywords:- M20F, Arab Spring, popular protest, the State, political character.

Assessment and Development of Safety Culture Maturity Level Model at PT Cahaya Anugerah Sentosa Makassar
Rissa Mahfirah’eni, Bambang Suhardi, Retno Wulan Damayanti
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The problem of poor safety culture is one of the causes of work accidents. Until now, there are no specific safety culture maturity level measurement parameters, so a safety culture maturity level measuring tool has been developed that follows the characteristics of the industry/company. Safety culture measurement parameters must include psychological, behavioral, and situational aspects. The establishment of measuring tools for assessing safety culture maturity level also adapts to the conditions of K3 management and the legislation used by the Company. The assessment was carried out at one of the companies in Indonesia, namely PT. Cahaya Anugerah Sentosa Makassar. The safety culture maturity level assessment at PT Cahaya Anugerah Sentosa Makassar was carried out using a questionnaire that had a total of 30 questions covering psychological, behavioral, and situational aspects. Measurements are grouped into five dimensions, namely information and communication, commitment, organizational learning, leadership and involvement, and competence. The measurement/assessment results show that the safety culture maturity level value is at level 4, namely proactive. These results show that awareness of occupational safety and health is comprehensive at all job levels, with the management system starting to involve workers in the improvisational stage of K3 management and starting to change the purely top-bottom management approach to two-way communication.

Author Keywords:- Occupational safety and health (K3), Safety Culture, Work Accidents, Safety culture maturity level maturity level

Heal thcare Provision in Under s tanding the Disesases Pathophys iology and P a t i e n t s ’nursing Care A Case Study of Bogui la Heal th Faci l i ty in the Cent ral Af r ican Republ ic
Charles Twagirayezu, Mitti Richard Kasopa Anastazio, Bwalya O. Ibrahim
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

A man cannot become a competent healthcare provider without the full knowledge of diseases pathophysiology, and the physician without pathophysiology flounders along in an aimless fashion, never able to gain any accurate conception of disease1 Professional nursing requires a substantial knowledge base of Human Pathophysiology when making decisions in patient care, so a foundational knowledge of Human Pathophysiology (HP) is critical to the success of nursing students

Author Keywords:- --------------------

The Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Motivation and Engagement
Zhang Guohui, Jennifer D. Estacio
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This paper aims to find out the best leadership style for promoting employee’s motivation and engagement and its impacts. Leadership style plays a crucial role in the success of an organization, while the core of an organization is people. Different types of leadership can do harm or good for the running of companies. In this research, qualitative method, an interview, was adopted to collect the answers from employees to prove that which leadership style is popular and should take into considerations by the public. Furthermore, engaging leadership style gains more supporters than other leadership styles since it greatly makes the employees motivation and engagement encouraged. Finally, more and more leadership styles should be explored and analyzed to promote both organizational success and employee’s well-being.

Author Keywords:-engaging leadership style, employee’s motivation and engagement, organizational success

Decision-making in Global Management
Zhang Jing, Orlina Ursula D. Regua
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

As globalization deepens, so does business competition. Decision-making, as a key influence on the survival of companies, must establish a globalization strategy to cope with various crises. This paper used case study as the method to analyze the importance of decision making in a global context. SWOT is normally used to analyze the company’s whole situation and make a wiser strategy to grow by strengths, weakness, opportunity, and threat. After the analysis of case study, which demonstrates that company should embrace a globalized strategy to face the challenges posed by the international cooperation in decision making aspect. Moreover, further studies on this note should be taken on as the time changed.

Author Keywords:-Decision making, globalization, SWOT

Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts and Techniques
Li Yunzi, Siegfried M. Erorita
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

With the rapid development of technology, companies need to constantly improve their abilities to cope with risks or face bankruptcy and liquidation. Risks are everywhere when a business is in operation. Therefore, how to identify risks as well as systematically analyze and propose solutions is the focus of this paper. 4×4 risk matrix is generally used in analyzing a project or proposal risky or not. This paper also utilize 4×4 risk matrix to identify risks and propose realistic solution on that. The result demonstrates that this matrix can provide company more direct and clear evidence to adopt this proposal or not. If risks are unavoidable, it should be adequately planned for and mechanisms for identifying them should be well developed.

Author Keywords:-Risk management, risk management process, 4×4 risk matrix

The Influence of Influencer Marketing, Online Customer Review on Purchase Intention for Skintific Products with Trust as a Mediating Variable (Study in Banyumas Regency)
Elsa Ayu Wardani, Totok Haryanto, Tri Septin Muji Rahayu, Purnadi
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Skintific is a beauty product brand from Canada that is known for its relatively high price, but can attract attention and become popular among Indonesian people. Skintific is a brand that is widely known and has a significant market share, making it interesting to research and applicable to the skin care industry as a whole. This research aims to analyze the influence of influencer marketing, online customer reviews on purchase intention mediated by trust in Skintific in Banyumas. The sampling method uses non-probability sampling. The sample in this study was 100 respondents. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Research data collection uses a questionnaire. Hypothesis testing is carried out using Partial Least Square (PLS) 4. The research results show that Influencer marketing and online customer reviews have a positive and significant effect on trust, influencer marketing has a positive and significant effect on purchase intention but online customer reviews have no significant effect on purchase intention, and trust mediates the relationship between influencer marketing and online customer reviews on purchase intention.

Author Keywords:-Influencer Marketing, Online Customer Review, Purchase intention, Trust

Establishment of Bridge Infrastructure Maintenance Priorities at Network Level for The Case of Extreme User Cost A case of Morogoro to Dumila segment Tanzania East Africa
Elvis Mduma (MSc, BSc)
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

The study has developed a strategy for bridge maintenance prioritization based on the maintenance funds limitation. The methodology adopted in this strategy is the simultaneous satisfaction of conflicting objectives in terms of minimization of maintenance cost, maximization of condition rating and the minimization of user cost. The multi-objective index (MOI) is used to give a selection as to which bridge wins the priority and the sequential order of prioritization.

Author Keywords:------------------

Performance Management in Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges
Peng Qiuqun, Siegfried M. Erorita
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Performance management has been transformed along with every other facet of business operations by the arrival of the digital age. This study examines how digital technology is changing performance management procedures and highlights the potential and difficulties this shift brings. Many advantages come with the transition to digital performance management, such as better data collection and analysis, expanded feedback and communication channels, automated regular procedures, customized development plans, and support for remote and hybrid work environments. But there are challenges associated with this change. Significant hurdles include the requirement to preserve a human touch, technology integration issues, data privacy and security concerns, change management difficulties, and the risk of over-relying on technology. This article offers insights and best practices for managing performance in the digital age by looking at these opportunities and challenges.

Author Keywords:-performance management, digital age, opportunities and challenges

Development of INTQUAL and SERVQUAL Attributes to Support Financial Sustainability of Non-Bank Financial Institutions
Tiwik Tri Hastuti, Eko Pujiyanto, Retno Wulan Damayanti
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Non-bank financial institutions are essential for financial inclusion and regional economic development. This research examines the challenges and efforts to improve service quality at UPK DAPM Gemolong, a non-bank financial institution, using the Financial Sustainability Ratio (FSR) to assess the company's position. The study found that UPK DAPM Gemolong's FSR from 2015 to 2022 indicated sustainability but showed a constant decline from 235.44% in 2015 to 117.30% in 2022. This trend highlights internal and external service issues. FSR forecasts predict a drop below 100% by 2025 if services are not improved. To address this, the research used Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and literature analysis, identifying 11 INTQUAL attributes in 2 dimensions and 22 SERVQUAL attributes across 5 dimensions. These attributes can evaluate and enhance the quality of UPK DAPM Gemolong's services. Improved quality will boost customer satisfaction and trust, ensuring the institution's financial sustainability. This study offers valuable insights into overcoming service barriers and enhancing the quality of non-bank financial institutions to promote financial inclusion and regional growth.

Author Keywords:-Non-bank financial institutions, financial sustainability, service quality, INTQUAL, SERVQUAL

Sustainable Entrepreneurship: Balancing Environmental, Social, and Economic Goals
Li Hongjun, Orlina Ursula D. Regua
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

A comprehensive approach to business, sustainable entrepreneurship combines the need to solve social and environmental issues with the goal of achieving financial success. This research delves into the complex aspects of sustainable entrepreneurship, looking at how business owners can establish endeavors that benefit the environment and society in addition to making a profit. To help entrepreneurs strike a balance between these three aspects of sustainability, the paper thoroughly reviews the body of research in the field and examines case studies of prosperous sustainable businesses. The results underscore the significance of innovation, stakeholder engagement, and long-range vision in propelling enduring success in entrepreneurship. Furthermore, the research highlights the significance of conducive environments, such as regulatory frameworks, sustainable financing accessibility, and cooperative networks, in cultivating sustainable entrepreneurship. This research adds to the expanding body of knowledge about how entrepreneurship can spur systemic change in the direction of a more sustainable and equitable future by shedding light on the processes and advantages of incorporating sustainability into business ventures.

Author Keywords:-Sustainable entrepreneurship, sustainable business, SMEs

Adaptive Overcurrent Communication-Based Protection Scheme in Smart Distribution Systems in the Hybrid Grids
Amin Dindar
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

One problem associated with the integration of renewable energy-based (RE-based) distributed generation (DG) is the malfunctions of protective devices within electric power distribution networks (EPDNs) as a result of generation intermittencies of these resources that cause a varying power injection to the EPDNs. To remedy this problem and as the objective of this study, a communication-assisted adaptive overcurrent protection coordination scheme (AOPCS) within a smart EPDN in the presence of wind and solar photovoltaic power generation is developed. Based on the AOPCS, the output power of DG units is distributed into several intervals based on a maximum acceptable error in the operating time of the relays. Then, the possible operating modes of the EPDN are determined, and for each possible mode of operation, the overcurrent relay setting parameters are calculated offline, while based on online monitoring of the EPDN, the operating mode is detected, and the relevant setting parameters are loaded into the relays. The obtained results indicate that AOPCS provides faster fault isolations without any malfunctions and nonselective operations of protective relays and much lower load curtailment as compared to the conventional overcurrent protection coordination scheme (COPCS).

Author Keywords:-Overcurrent protection, wind power, photovoltaic system, distribution system protection, distributed generation.

Indriyani Febri Nur Rohmawati, Devi Valeriani, Eka Fitriyanti
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This research aims to analyze the relationship between Gold Prices, Political Stability, Exchange Rates and Inflation in Indonesia. This type of research is a type of quantitative research. The data source in this research uses secondary data obtained from Bullion Rates, World Bank, and Bank Indonesia (BI). The data used is data on Gold Prices, Political Stability, Exchange Rates and Inflation in the form of monthly time series for the period January 2008 to December 2022. Data analysis was carried out using Vector Error Correction Model (VECM). The research results show that there is a one-way relationship between the exchange rate and the price of gold, inflation and political stability, and inflation and the exchange rate. In the long-term relationship between gold prices, political stability, exchange rates and inflation, there is cointegration or balance. In the short term, inflation has a negative and significant influence on the price of gold, political stability has a negative and significant influence on the exchange rate, and inflation has a negative and significant influence on the exchange rate.

Author Keywords:-Gold Prices, Political Stability, Exchange Rates, and Inflation

Représentation du corps dans les Médias Sociaux : de l’émancipation à la réification
Khadija Takhdate, Chaimaa Sakri
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Since the emergence of feminist movements around the world, which will in turn give rise to gender studies, the discourse has focused on the freedom of women, their emancipation and the use of their bodies, because they are, in turn, a political object, a citizen and an autonomous and responsible human being. For centuries, women's bodies have been neglected and reduced to a sexual role that responds to male fantasies. In order to change this mindset, the researchers sought to raise awareness among societies and to introduce the principle of gender equality in order to avoid all forms of sex-based violence. However, on the poles of mass communication such as traditional advertising and digitized advertising on social networks, we see women, in a non-participatory way, using their bodies to search for that famous buzz that will guarantee a large number of followers, which will result in views that will turn into material goods, etc., a chain that continues.

Author Keywords:----------------

Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

This study investigated Junior High School Teachers’ conceptions and difficulties regarding action research. A descriptive survey method with a mixed-methods approach was employed. A researcher-developed questionnaire with quantitative (checklist and rating scale) and qualitative (open-ended questions) sections was used to collect data from 20 Isaac Lopez Integrated School teachers. Results showed that while teachers acknowledged the benefits of action research for professional development and student learning, the majority had not conducted research since 2015. Thematic analysis of qualitative data revealed five key challenges faced by teachers: a) workload, b) writing anxiety, c) time constraints, 4) inadequate knowledge, and 5) data interpretation difficulties. The study suggests a need for workshops and training to equip teachers with the necessary skills to conduct and write action research effectively. This can improve teacher knowledge and capacity, and ultimately improve educational practices.

Author Keywords:-Action Research, Conceptions and Difficulties, Intervention Program, Writing Anxiety, Workload

Dr. Pradip Kumar Das
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Development of a country’s depends on her ability to brace in the global competence to dream novelty. Under today's globalization clime, intellectual property rights are pressing for trade and sustenance worldwide. Such rights boost prolificacy while naïveté and poor enforcement debilitate nation's technological and societal developments. Therefore, dissipation of intellectual property rights information and its’ pertinent pursuance is aspirational goals for any country. Tranquilizing and forfending intellectual property are nitty-gritty now-a-days. Currently, intellectual property rights are feeding economies leadingedge and effecting cutthroat. Developing economies wuz indeed cozened by developed economies, and India is one of them. Although India has materialized approach to address intellectual property rights practices, there are few slumps. Appreciating the value of intellectual property in the modern geek economy, this study explores the challenges associated with the endorsement of intellectual property rights. This study highlights the major godsends of intellectual property rights in India’s industrial route and suggests policy recommendations to further strengthen its’ expedient. By illuminating on the crunch of such rights, this research cedes cornucopia of information for policymakers, economists and industry stakeholders. This study also expatiates implicit demesnes for meliorism.

Author Keywords:-Innovation, Intellectual Property Rights, Legal Protection, Piracy, Stakeholders.

Green Bonds Research: A Structured Literature Review
Andra Nicoleta Mecu, Florentina Chițu, Georgiana Ionela Marin
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Using information from the Web of Science database and VOSviewer software, this study conducts a thorough bibliometric analysis to investigate the literature on green bonds. Amidst worldwide apprehensions over climate change and sustainability, green bonds have emerged as crucial financial tools for funding environmentally conscious initiatives. Green bonds are essential to the fight against climate change and the shift to a green economy because they raise the capital required for these initiatives. The study indicates future avenues for multidisciplinary research and emphasizes the significance of green bonds as levers for good change in sustainability and economic growth.

Author Keywords:-climate change, green bonds, green finance

Determination of The Potential Employment of Young People and Women in Mali Through the Stochastic Production Function of Type Cobb- Douglas
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Current employment policy programmes and instruments in Mali are not defined by economic sectors, regions, type of actor and nature of barriers. It is clear that unemployment does not affect women and young people to the same extent, depending on the economic sectors/branches of activity, regions, type of labour market player and nature of barriers. Identifying and taking into account these specificities in employment policy programmes and instruments can help to promote the occupational integration of young people and women in Mali.

Author Keywords:-employment, policy, sectors, young, women

The Influence of Sports Media on the Brand Awareness and Corporate Image of Sports Sponsorship Agreements within Sri Lanka Cricket; A Study of Moose Clothing's Sponsorship
L.G.S.S. Chandrasekara, A.L.K.R. Fernando
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Sports sponsorship is a highly popular corporate communication strategy, with global investments reaching $44.3 billion in 2018 and projected to reach $62.2 billion by 2024. Sports media plays a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of sponsorships by positioning them as a marketing tool. The rise of technology and digitalization has led to an increase in sports media platforms, necessitating a deep understanding of how to reach the target audience effectively. This study aims to address empirical gaps in sports media and sponsorship literature, specifically investigating the influence of sports media on brand awareness and corporate image in Sri Lankan Cricket, focusing on Moose Clothing's sponsorship. A survey-based research design is employed, with a sample of 445 respondents selected using convenience sampling. A pre-validated self-administered questionnaire is used to collect data, and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) is utilized for data analysis. Descriptive statistics, correlations, and regression analysis are conducted to explore the frequency distribution, and relationships, and measure predictors. The results revealed positive associations between sports media exposure and brand awareness (r = 0.259) as well as corporate image (r = 0.246). Media exposure on TV and internet platforms demonstrated the most significant impact on both brand awareness (β = 0.242 & 0.224) and corporate image (β = 0.149 & 0.146). Conversely, media exposure on the radio shows a negligible negative impact on both brand awareness (β = -0.128) and corporate image (β = -0.004). The findings provide valuable insights for organizations and marketers seeking to enhance the effectiveness of their sports sponsorship initiatives. Engaging with multiple sports media channels can amplify the impact of sports sponsorship. Sponsors should carefully consider the target audience and choose media channels accordingly to ensure effective communication and engagement. The study's limitations include its focus on Sri Lankan Cricket sponsorships, potentially limited generalizability, and the use of self-reported data and a cross-sectional design. Future research should examine sports media and sponsorship effectiveness in various sports contexts and regions. Longitudinal studies can provide insights into the dynamic relationship between sports media exposure, brand awareness, and corporate image.

Author Keywords:- Brand Awareness, Corporate Image, Sports Media, Sports Sponsorship Effectiveness, Sri Lankan Cricket.

Caesalpinia Sappan: Antioxidant, Anticancer, and Related Properties of Extracts in Cell Lines. A Literature Review
Bayu Febram Prasetyo, Rini Madyastuti Purwono, Farra Sasmita, Zahra Dinanti
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Sappan wood (Caesalpinia sappan L.) has been known to have various healing benefits and is often used by the community as a health drink. The methodology used in this research involves searching scientific literature using search engines. The leaves of sappan wood contain polyphenol compounds and have an essential oil content of 0.16-0.20%. sappan wood have antioxidant activity, including flavonoids, alkaloids, polyphenols, terpenoids, triterpenoids, tannins, and saponins. The anticancer activity of sappan wood, as reviewed in several studies, shows that the brazilin and brazilein compounds contained in sappan wood have the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells in some cell cultures.

Author Keywords:- Antioxidant, Anticancer, Sappan wood

The Role of Brand Image in Mediating the Influence of EService Quality, Price Perception, And E-WOM On the Selection of JNE Express Courier Services Technology
Ellya Tripungkas Mapalus,Wiwik Handayani, Sugeng Purwanto
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

Courier services are crucial in delivering orders from business operators to customers. Customers can choose courier services that meet their needs. This study aims to analyze the impact of e-service quality, price perception, and e-WOM on the selection of courier services and the mediating role of brand image in the influence of e-service quality, price perception, and e-WOM on the selection of courier services. This study's sample consists of 105 respondents who are customers of JNE Express using e-commerce in Sidoarjo. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling, specifically convenience sampling. The primary data used was collected through questionnaires distributed to the respondents. The analysis used the Partial Least Square (PLS) method with Smart PLS version 4.0 software. The study's results conclude that E-service quality has a significant positive impact on the selection of courier services. Price perception and e-WOM have no significant impact on the selection of courier services. Brand image mediates the significant positive effect of e-service quality and e-WOM on the selection of courier services. The brand image does not mediate the impact of price perception on the selection of courier services.

Author Keywords:- E-Service Quality, Price Perception, E-WOM, Courier Service Selection

Taxation and Budgetary Expenditure in Malian Communes - Financial Analysis of Management Accounts
Abstract       pdf Full text PDF

In this article, we seek to analyze the financial management of local authorities with the aim of understanding the challenges linked to the mobilization of resources both internal and external to the municipalities and possibly making policy proposals and/or recommendations. Also, it is important to make a contribution to the scientific literature through this empirical study based on data from the management accounts of the 703 municipalities in Mali in 2020. To analyse local taxation, we used the fiscal-financial methodology, which is based on the calculation of financial ratios with a view to carrying out a diagnosis of local communal finances, according to analysis grids of varying degrees of detail, with the aim of being both accessible and appropriable, for and by elected representatives and territorial agents. The financial analysis used is based on several techniques, namely (i) retrospective financial analysis based on past results, (ii) prospective financial analysis to analyse the fiscal situation and establish financial diagnoses, measure potential and build forward-looking scenarios, (iii) temporal financial analysis, and (iv) spatial financial analysis (Souki, 2010). Each of these techniques can be used to draw up performance indicators, provide budgetary control tools and make comparisons between local authorities. By using the management accounts of the communes, retrospective financial analysis has been more or less favoured. In total, Mali's local authorities (regional councils, district councils and communes) have planned to spend nearly 534.14 billion CFA francs1, compared with 283.54 million CFA francs in 2020. Actual expenditure amounted to 270.23 billion fcfa. Transfers to local authorities, the largest item of budget revenue, rose from CFA F 90 billion to CFA F 205 billion. Local authorities were able to raise just over CFA F 29 billion in tax revenue in 2020.

Author Keywords:- Decentralization-Taxation-Transfer-Development-Community